Poulianiti Konstantina

Poulianiti Konstantina

External Department Instructor Academic Year 2024-2025

Konstantina Poulianiti holds a Diploma in Chemical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens. She received her MSc degree in Biochemistry and her PhD in Biochemistry and Muscle Physiology from the University of Thessaly. She has published 19 peer-reviewed articles in international scientific journals (h-index=9, citations=941), 2 chapters in books and presented more than 25 presentations in national and international congresses. She also serves as a reviewer for several international scientific journals. Since 2012 she has participated in 7 National and European Union (EU) funded projects as a member of the research team. She has teaching experience since 2019 as an external instructor or teaching fellow in the Department of Food Science & Nutrition and currently in the School of Physical Education & Sport Science Dietetics, University of Thessaly. Her current research interests include the areas of Biochemistry, Food Science, Bio-functional Foods, Food Safety, Human Health and Human Physiology.

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